Social Mission
"No person was ever honored for what he earned.
Honor has been the reward for what he gave." —Calvin Coolidge, 30th President

Calvin Coolidge,
30th U.S. President
Birthplace: Plymouth Notch, Vermont
His Favorite Soft Drink – Moxie!
Also a customer favorite at the Wayside.
Our Pledge
During our 100th Anniversary year in 2018, the Wayside and over 60 employees fulfilled a pledge to give one hundred…$100 gifts to our community. The donations were cash or in-kind. A financial donation might not always be practical. Rest assured, a gift of volunteered time can be just as important.
In Support of Our Food Insecure Neighbors
Our most significant project since then has been to support the Central Vermont Meals On Wheels program. Their mission is to meet the nutritional and social needs of area seniors. They serve our neighbors in Berlin, Barre City, Barre Town, Washington, Williamstown and Orange – many of them were once frequent diners at the Wayside, now it’s time for us to support them!
Supporting Organizations that Improve the Live of Others & the Community
Over the years, the Wayside has been privileged to be involved with a broad spectrum of amazing non-profits, charities and individuals making a difference in the lives of others and many communities. Below are some of the organizations we have supported.
Click on the logos below to learn more about the organizations the Wayside has supported and consider making your own donation or volunteering!